Sunday, May 11, 2008

happy mother's day!

A few weeks ago, I was walking along Independence Ave. As I neared the museum, I noticed the makings of a celebration - big tents, marching band, people milling about, colourful banners, and of course, a static filled PA system.

"OOOOOH!!" Having missed the traffic stoppoing celebration of International Women's Day the week prior, I was eager to find out what the special day was and whether or not Mwanawasa was going make an appearance. "Oh, maybe I've been so busy that i have forgotten that it was Zambia's independence celebration'?.

As I neared the crowd and the writing on the signs and banners came into focus, I was able to see what the hoopla was all about:

'Happy intellectual property day!


Anyway, that story of random Zambian celebrations was a really long segway into my simple shout out to all of the mom;s out there! happy mother's day! Mel, i hope that you're enjoying your Second mother's day with wild D, Jan, happy double mother's day! and rebecca, happy First mother's day with the izza.

And of course, Mah, lots of love and hugs to you from a far today. I really wish that i could be there to chat over some tea and chess.


kahung said...

There will no chatting over chess.

She'll put you in check in three, and probably check mate in five....that is, unless you're keeping an eye out on the board ALL the time and don't let her have 'take backs'....hahhhahaahah....

Unknown said...

so true. so true. i've been gone too long to remember her rules of chess.


happydream said...

Hey. What are you talking of my chess? Did you win only one game when you were playing with me? Ka Hung, You never won. even though I took out my one bishop, one .....before i played with you. You still loss. Ka Hay too.
Ok. Next week we have the chess competition in Kingston.Then you will know how good I am. don't cry, my all dear babies. i will let you to win.